About English version

About this website

I am going to write personal things and recent activities on this site.

My specialty is information technology and law.

Therefore, articles about these matters would be written.

Author’s Profile

Name : 関 信幸 ( Seki Nobuyuki )

Nickname : jskny

SNS etc



What I’ve done

Information technology

I met HSP in elementary school fifth grade and started programming.

When I became a sixth grade in elementary school, I met Perl and C-language and made simple web applications and games.

I entered junior high school, made a communication site like Twitter in Perl, and made shooter games using C-language and DxLib.

Entering high school, I dedicated to programming and computer technology.

In those time, I took full advantage of DxLib, drew a 3D model and made my own programming language ( It’s very simply ). And I was using Kinect to make games.

Legal studies

I’m majoring in legal studies at university and dating with Law ( It’s joke. 🙂  ).

I’m very fun to learn the law.

So I got the qualification of Certified Administrative Procedures Legal Specialist before acquiring professional qualification of information technology.

My specialty fields (in Japan laws) are the public laws (these are mainly the Constitutional law and Administrative Law) and the civil law.

When you expressed them in one word, A man little-engineer sank to law world.

Thank you for reading !